Friday, October 26, 2018

Science 119 - Bethesda and Sub-conscious MIND geography shape of sub-continent of Indiai


explains  key word concepts --> 

Bethesda Logical Unit battle kills
Lubitz and 150 people


Sub-conscious MIND geography shape of
sub-continent of India

Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects

Bethesda Lutheran Communities - Wikipedia
Bethesda Lutheran Communities is a non-profit human service organization serving people ... The organization was originally named "The Society for the Training and Care of the Feeble-minded and Epileptic". The five people originally ... In 1977 the first Bethesda group home was established in Maryville, Missouri.

Bethesda Lutheran Communities  song and dance science perception ERRORS

| Supporting People with Disabilities
AND the destruction of  the TETZ farms project
Bethesda is a Christian organization that provides homes and other services for people with developmental disabilities to help them live the lives they want. other words ......

to help them live the HOLLYWOOD fantasy lives that Bethesda arrogant policy makers .... THINK they want.

'Decision  Tree Stand Murders':
the Hayakawa language TRIAL in Hayward
 played out VIA Chai Vang's WI deer hunter killings
Mar 21, 2015 - 14, 2005, in Hayward, Wis. Vang was convicted on six charges of first-degree murder in the Nov. 21, 2004, shootings in isolated woods in ...
Missing: google

Arrest Made in Wisconsin Hunting Massacre | Fox News
Nov 22, 2004 - HAYWARD, Wis. ... Vang, who had a hunting license but not for Wisconsin, had wandered onto 400 acres of hunting grounds owned by Robert ...

Arrest Made in Wisconsin Hunting 

END of explanation


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