explains key word concepts -->
Whistler's Mother
Iron-54 blood software
and murder of Sam Hengel
bottom line sentence ,,,,, code words
--> Whistler turned his body around and projected a message - --.>
information pointer to -->
the murder of Sam Hengel and his projector message about -->
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel killed by the bio-computer subroutine SECRETLY implanted into his brain ...
Sam Hengel,
the Art Institutes and their blood arteries software commands
the Department of Education sub-conscious programming....
Marionette puppet experiment at parallel WORD site ...
Marinette High School results in the student DEATH
... - NY Daily News
Whistler's Mother - Wikipedia
Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1, best known under its colloquial name Whistler's Mother, is a painting in oils on canvas created by the American-born painter James McNeill Whistler in 1871. The subject of the painting is Whistler's mother, Anna McNeill Whistler.
Whistler's Mother: An American Icon Returns to Chicago | The Art ...
bottom line sentence ,,,,, code words
--> Whistler turned his body around
and projected a message - --.>
information pointer to -->
Whistler's Mother -....... adult female B100D language ERRORS
explained by
the blood information FLOW
the blood information FLOW
of Boy Scout from the I/O Port of Porterfield........... Scout
........... Sc ..... out --> Sub-conscious MIND ouput
message regarding the PLANNED murder
of Sam Hengel ... cause by
of Sam Hengel ... cause by
Fe = Female BLOOD heme group Fe(2) errors of
Fe = ferrous oxide IRON-54 isotope with 28 neutrons
....... message from
SYMBOL MACHINE language users
..... Boy Scout TROOP 1054 --> number 54
SYMBOL MACHINE language users
..... Boy Scout TROOP 1054 --> number 54
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
of the Boy Scouts of America as
a Life Scout ... of Troop 1054 in Peshtigo, Wis.
a Life Scout ... of Troop 1054
a Life Scout ... of Troop 1054
a ...fe Scout ... of Troop ....54
An isotope of Fe = ferrous oxide iron has 28 neutrons. If the atomic mass of the ... - Socratic
https://socratic.org › Chemistry › Matter › Atomic Number
An isotope of Fe = ferrous oxide iron has 28 neutrons.
What 2-legged human being with EARTH LAB specimen ......
lab identifier word -->
Fe = Female ...... as blood information display features
about number 28 ....
Menstruation and the menstrual cycle | womenshealth.gov
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long.
An atomic bio-physics CLOCK ........
b100d output message cycleis counted from
the first day of 1 period
to the first day of the next period ..... per periodic atomic TABLE element fe = ferrous oxide IRON-54 with 28 neutrons.
b100d output message cycleis counted from
the first day of 1 period
to the first day of the next period ..... per periodic atomic TABLE element fe = ferrous oxide IRON-54 with 28 neutrons.
Whistler's Mother: An American Icon Returns to Chicago |
The blood Arteries OUTPUT message site ......
Art Institute of Chicago ...
the portrait of Anna McNeill Whistler
has thus become an icon of motherhood ......
and motherhood social and family policy ERRORs
,,,,,, create DEATH signaling events
Top line words
--> I've waited this long for my own -->
--> I've waited this long for my own -->
keyword --> wait --> information pointer to COMPUTER EARTH and the wait state
Wait state - Wikipedia
A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing external memory ... Modern designs try to eliminate or hide them using a variety of techniques: CPU caches, instruction pipelines, instruction prefetch, branch ...
What is wait state? - Definition from WhatIs.com
whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › Computer Science › Microprocessors
A wait state is a situation in which a computer program or processor is ... ( RAM ) that sends it instructions, it is set to go into a wait state for one or more clock ...
What Your Computer Does While You Wait - Gustavo Duarte
Nov 30, 2008 - What Your Computer Does While You Wait ... Most simple instructions on the Core 2 take one clock cycle to execute, hence a third of a ...
What is wait state?
Kuwait country profile - BBC News - BBC.com
FACT CHECK: 62°C Temperatures in Kuwait Cause Trees to Burst ...
Claim: The temperature hit a record 62°C (143.6°F) in Kuwait in July 2017, causing several trees to burst into flames.
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